accounting process

英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˈprəʊses] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˈprɑːses]




  1. If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.
  2. The accounting process for provisioning has several subfactors of metering, logging, rating, and billing.
  3. The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting.
  4. The first step in the accounting process is to analyze transactions.
  5. A Tentative Discussion on Defects in Cost Accounting Process of Petroleum Enterprises and Account Treatment
  6. Design of "Accounting Process Operation" Course Structure Based on Working Process
  7. Establish an accounting process, and pick a year end date.
  8. Aimed to the four forms, take some examples contrasted new and old criterions related to accounting process of debt rescheduling and tax adjustment results.
  9. Improve internal control of accounting process.
  10. The paper deals mainly with the application of principle of materiality in the setting of accounts, selection of accounting process and disclosure of accounting information etc.
  11. Financial reports, or accounting reports, are end product of accounting process, giving a concise report of profitability and financial position of an enterprise and they are the final products of the accounting process.
  12. Traditional cost management has lots of flaws such as the absence of scientific cost accounting methods and the lag in cost accounting process.
  13. Making automated transfer entries and improving computerized accounting process; Composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds and emission from four young tree species in Shenyang
  14. Using the linearity recursion and F test method, the paper makes positive investigation analysis about the accounting and disclosure problems of stock option plan in listed companies and then proposes the betterment of the stock option accounting process;
  15. The calculation of long-term investment on stocks is a difficult part in accounting process, the method of which can be divided into cost method and equity method.
  16. There are many factors restricting accounting reform, among which the most important one is the traditional accounting process.
  17. Chapter Two introduces the actual state of accounting process of Executive Stock Options in our country.
  18. At the first, this part distinguishes between the temporal method and the current rate method in accounting process. Subsequently this part evaluates two methods by the accounting theories and the economic theories.
  19. This paper has discussed the function of accounting process in the management of value line. It has discussed the methods Using accounting process reengineering that draw and complete other business process reengineering.
  20. After general description, the paper analyses the accounting process of income tax refund of subsidy.
  21. The scientific and reasonable accounting process of stock option relate with development and criterion of stock option system directly, which will influence the incentive function.
  22. Based on the analysis of contingent items, the paper points out the accounting process principles on contingent items in further, and interprets the recognization and measurement of contingent items.
  23. The paper studies ESOs from the aspects of accounting and finance. On one hand, based on the analysis of recognition, measurement and disclosure of accounting for ESOs, the author makes several suggestions on the accounting process of executive stock options in China.
  24. However the current accounting process does not suit the development of the corporation.
  25. The paper comprehensively designed the accounting content and purpose, accounting ledger and accounting process.
  26. Application of ERP on the enterprise accounting process also has a substantial impact and provides a powerful support to enterprise information.
  27. The topic is based on the cloud platform and the Android system, pure water production management and transportation scheduling, can be a good solution to manual counting errors and flaws that may arise in the accounting process to assist managers in program scheduling production and distribution.
  28. This paper has several findings. Firstly, information environment provides advantages for the real-time accounting information collection, transmission, storage and feedback and also for the application of accounting process reengineering, real-time control methods and control models.
  29. Thereinto, financial informational value chain includes financial reporting process and tax reporting process. Managerial informational value chain includes budget accounting process, cost accounting process, internal audit process and performance accounting process.
  30. By introducing the environment of the fair value in our country and special significance, it has an analysis of the accounting and national insurance accounting process for our country from 2006 to 2010.